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28 October 2022

Portugal: Funding call for migrant associations

Flag of Portugal

Portugal's High Commission for Migration is now accepting funding applications for projects run by migrant-led associations in 2023. The funding, 250 000 EUR in total, has been made available through the Programme Supporting Immigrants’ Associations (PAAI).

The call comprises three thematic strands: 1) hosting and accommodation, 2) enhancement of diversity, and 3) recognition of merit. Chosen projects will receive co-financing at rates of up to 95%. They must be ready to run throughout 2023 and must not have a budget of more than 10 000 EUR. Only those associations legally recognised by the High Commission for Migration are eligible.

Successful projects will focus on such issues as:

  • hosting and accommodation of migrants (e.g., general support; referral; information provision; information publication and dissemination);
  • promotion of diversity (e.g., awareness-raising sessions; intercultural events; printing and publishing materials);
  • existing initiatives of recognised merit (e.g., radio or television programmes; campaigns for the prevention and elimination of female genital mutilation; actions promoting gender equality or women's empowerment)..

The submission deadline is 17 November 2022 and applications must be electronically submitted here.

Call for funding for immigrant associations
(359.97 KB - PDF)


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Posted by
Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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