BG4UA, a community initiative assisting Ukrainians evacuating to Bulgaria, and BCause Foundation opened the 'New Beginning' call for funding proposals from initiatives that provide childcare and educational activities for children from Ukraine.
The deadline for submission of project proposals is 4 May 2022.
Eligible projects will:
- contribute to the humane reception of refugees from Ukraine;
- increase the chances of these refugees' integration in Bulgaria;
- help children arriving from Ukraine to overcome the trauma of war;
- meet the educational and cognitive needs of these children;
- promote the integration of Ukrainian children and adults into Bulgarian society.
Specifically, types of activities to be supported include:
- full day, half-day and hourly care for children from Ukraine;
- educational and social activities for children of different ages from Ukraine;
- social, psychological and other support for these children and their families;
- Bulgarian language training (as a prerequisite for inclusion in formal education);
- cultural and other integration activities.
Eligible applicants are:
- entities legally registered as non-profit legal entities;
- community centres (Читалища);
- municipal children's complexes.
Applicants can apply for 1 500 EUR - 10 000 EUR per project. All additional information, including guidelines and application forms, can be found here.
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- Bulgaria
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Ukraine response
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