In the Czech Republic, Roma refugees arriving from Ukraine following Russia's recent invasion have been attracting much media attention and negative stereotyping. No concrete data on their situation have yet been made available, and therefore the aim of this research is to encourage constructive discussion around their situation in the Czech Republic and the ways in which they can be supported.
Image and text source: PAQ Research 2022
The research for this report, funded by the Bader Philanthropies Foundation, was carried out in June 2022 among a research sample of 100 households, and focuses on basic household characteristics including citizenship and languages spoken. It also examines health, financial and material conditions, employment, education and housing.
Key findings:
- 100% of households surveyed were found to have Ukrainian citizenship, with 1% saying they also had 'other' citizenship.
- 83% speak Ukrainian, with 61% saying it is the primary language spoken at home.
- In 55% of households all members over the age of 15 can read and write; in 25% of households there are some people that cannot.
- The majority of children in the households surveyed are not yet enrolled in school.
- 33% of households surveyed are experiencing material deprivation; 16% are facing hunger.
- 30% have experienced intolerance and 14% have experienced discrimination on the part of the Czech public.
- Authors
- Štěpán Kment, Adam Kořínek, Karel Gargulák, Václav Korbel (PAQ Research)
- Geographic area
- Tschechische Republik
- Contributor type
- Akademiker und Experten
- Original source
- Posted by