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09 March 2022

Integration and transnationalism: divergent or compatible social processes?

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The first issue of this year's Czech Sociological Review, entitled Integration and Transnationalism: Divergent or Compatible Social Processes?, presents four texts that work with empirical material and, from a methodological point of view, offer a re-conceptualisation of the approaches of integration and transnationalism. The two social processes were previously considered polarised, but today authors are focusing increasingly on their possible connection.

Eveline Reisenauer, in her article The socialisation of migrant children in transnational settings, studies retrospectively the descendants of Turkish migrants in Germany and analyses how the children's transnational ties have influenced their adult life, specifically in relation to their personal relationships and professional activities.

Luděk Jirka and Yana Leontiyeva deal - in the article entitled Transnationalism, integration and identification: a discussion of the variability and dynamics of social processes through the example of student migration from Ukraine to the Czech Republic - with Ukrainian student migration and the convergence of integration and transnationalism. The main focus of this article is the self-identification of young Ukrainians studying in the Czech Republic.

In the article entitled Transnationalism and the permanence of return in Armenian return migration, Lucie Macková examines the link between transnationalism and integration processes among returned migrants from the Armenian diaspora and examines the role that social networks play in integration in Armenia.

In the text, Migration Integration in the Czech Republic: an analysis of the priorities the country has set and its support for them, Marie Jelínková and Ondřej Valenta describe the Czech Republic's normative goals in the field of migrant integration, exploring whether these priorities are fulfilled and from which sources, by analysing a unique dataset of 3 061 projects in the field of migrant integration.

The Czech Sociological Review is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It aims to serve as an international platform for advancing sociological theory and methodology in CEE and invites submissions from all branches of sociology and related disciplines.

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Text and image source: Czech Sociological Review, 2022

CZ sociological review
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Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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