The "EMN Country Factsheet 2023: Cyprus" provides a comprehensive overview of Cyprus' developments in migration and international protection for 2023. Key highlights include:
- Migration in-flows: Reduced migrant arrivals and increasing returns have been observed. The drop in documented arrivals is attributed to enhanced Green Line border controls, transitions through Brussels to Turkey, and information campaigns in specific countries to reduce migration flows.
- New deputy ministry: Cyprus took significant steps toward establishing a Deputy Ministry of Migration and Asylum, aimed at streamlining migration management.
- Employment law reforms: Amendments to employment and residency laws target labour exploitation and improve conditions for foreign workers, with increased oversight on agencies and expanded eligibility for family residency permits.
- Asylum and protection upgrades: Infrastructure improvements at reception centres, streamlined asylum procedures, and targeted support for vulnerable groups, including unaccompanied minors, reflect Cyprus’s commitment to humane treatment in migration processes.
- Integration unitiatives: Efforts to foster migrant integration were bolstered by a new action plan, increased transitional classes, and language support, especially for children in preschool settings.
- Border security enhancements: With the operationalisation of the Schengen Information System in Cyprus, border security has been strengthened, facilitating information exchange across EU member states.
EMN - Cyprus 2023 Factsheet
- Geographic area
- Cyprus
- Contributor type
- Country Coordinator
- Original source
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