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National Orchestra of Lavapiés

Programme for the promotion of diversity, dialogue and personal auto-construction of young immigrants through music.

Project Goal

We understand that there is a need to identify oneself with somewhere, to generate a network. Here, we have kids who come from all sides and who wish to participate, feel valued.

We added the name National as the orchestra is made up of multiple nationalities and inspired by the experience of the Barbés quarter in Paris. But in addition, Lavapiés is a real energy hub. It was always a very traditional neighbourhood and has now been elected by the Bohemian artists and immigrants as their place of choice to live. This neighbourhood mutates constantly - it is plagued by secret police, people are requested their ID purely because of their colour and conflicts can erupt at any moment on every corner. However they manage to find a balance in the social dynamics of a country which has received them despite suffering one of the biggest crises in years.
Perhaps, in the strange alchemy of suffering, Lavapiés is daily paths of resolution. The young people in this project are completely immersed in all of this.


Who benefits

The programme is aimed at all audiences - immigrants and the excluded, but also the native population, thus being able to reflect on tolerance and participation


How it works

Through the teaching of music and orchestra rehearsals, young people acquire social skills, discipline and reflect on their place in the world



Young people who previously didn’t known instruments such as the cajón (Spanish box) nowadays feel identified with them, and at the same time begin to be recognized in those instruments, becoming involved in creations and rhythmic reproductions of countries that are different from their own.

Although initially unknown rhythms were met with some incredulity, today they are played with great fluency. Admittedly, they still lack musical theory development, but the young people already feel that they are being recognised as artists and they are the ones who have an interest in learning Spanish native instruments and rhythms such as the 'bulería' and Tango rhythms.

A group conscience has been formed, including tolerance of each person within the group, respecting the various learning times of each.
They have a renewed sense of responsibility and a hunger for musical knowledge, which in the long run will result in an influential and consolidated training period.
Through music, they have created a sense of companionship, responsibility, study and work; and we hope they extrapolate this into other areas of life of the participants.



Intercultural and lifelong learning is achieved through receiving interns and volunteers from around the world who travel especially to undertake work experience with us and the immigrants themselves.
The orchestra has preformed in alternative cultural spaces, always chosen on the basis of where they have a potential audience. They participate actively in organizations and Centres for the Participation and Integration of Immigrants, carrying out different activities and promoting dialogue between participants


Funding and resources


About this good practice


Posted by
Sarah Cooke O Dowd

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