In December 2023 a new law introduced reforms to professional insurance legislation, pension arrangements and other provisions in Greece. This included changes in the activities of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, which handles permit applications from third-country national (TCN) workers. The law:
- reiterates the illegality of employing TCNs who do not meet the conditions for residence and access to the labour market in Greece;
- regulates the right of access to work and the restrictions for applicants for international protection, in particular following a negative decision or non-renewal;
- introduces a new type of residence permit for TCN employment.
On 9 February 2024 a new online platform was launched via which TCNs can submit their applications for this permit until 31 December.
TCNs eligible for this permit will:
- be able to provide proof of an employment offer from an employer in Greece for their employment as a dependent employee, service provider or project;
- have proof of at least 3 uninterrupted years of residence in Greece prior to the submission of the application;
- have a clean criminal record, valid personal identity documents and be able to meet a number of other conditions in favour of public security.
As of 1 March 2024, 4 790 applications have been submitted via the platform. 828 of these have already been accepted; 3 952 remain under consideration.
Law 5078/2023
- Publication dates
- Geographic area
- Greece
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