Estonian Shared Services Centre opened a call for proposals with the focus of 'achieving and maintaining high levels of employment'.
The objective of the call is to support initiatives that promote the employability, recruitment and retention in employment of people who are excluded from the labour market and belong to disadvantaged groups, including inactive beneficiaries of international protection and other migrants, and their family members.
The total budget available under this call is EUR 1 600 000. Eligible applicants and partners must be:
- a legal entity;
- a public authority or a public body administered by a public authority;
- a local government unit or body.
The deadline for submission of applications is 7 November 2024.
- Publication dates
- Geographic area
- Estonia
- Source
- Posted by
Erwachsene (30-65)
Transgender and non-binary persons
Jugendliche (18-30)
Family reunification
Labour migration
Permanent residents
Temporär Ansässige
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