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Funds for migrant integration in Italy (25)
Showing results 1 to 10
Rapid Response Fund launches new call for proposals
The Swiss Rapid Response Fund (RRF) opened a new call for proposals, aiming to strengthen migration management structures in Europe. Within this...
Italy: Grants for integration pathways for unaccompanied minors
The PERCORSI 4 project is to reopen its grants application procedure for initiatives organising integration pathways for unaccompanied minors. 750...
Italy: New competition highlights local inclusion policies
In the framework of the capacity building project COM.IN.4.0 - Competences for Integration, financed by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration...
Italy: Funding opportunity for projects promoting the socio-economic integration of vulnerable migrants
A new call for funding applications - the “PUOI Project” (Protezione Unica Unita a Obiettivo Integrazione – Protection Together with Integration...
Social research scholarship for non-Italian origin youth researching migration and integration
The Forum of International and European Research on Immigration ( FIERI) published an open call for a funded training scholarship in social research...
Italy: Funding call for projects fighting migrant labour exploitation
Fondazione CON IL SUD launched an open call for proposals for funding from projects that work to prevent and combat the labour exploitation of migrant...
Italy: Call for ideas on new ways of sociability
The ALSOS Foundation has launched a Call for Ideas to fund research in the field of migration and integration. It is currently welcoming research...
Italy: Apply for mentoring, financial and networking support for your projects
European and Mediterranean countries are facing refugee flows from war-torn countries such Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia which have a deep social and...
Italy: 2017 MigrArti funding programme now open
After the great success of the 2016 edition, the Italian Ministry of Culture has recently opened up a new MigrArti call for proposals. The programme...
Italy: Deadline for National AMIF funding opportunity extended to 15 September
On the basis of the inter-institutional Agreement signed on 28 May 2015 between the AMIF National Authority (Department of Immigration and Civil...