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European Website on Integration - January 2024



This first newsletter for 2024 starts with a good practice from Greece:

The Mentoring Project has allowed a network of 6 trained mentors - former unaccompanied children themselves - to provide support to other unaccompanied minors. The project is implemented by the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum, with the support of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). Meet the mentors and read more about how the Mentoring Project helps create relationships of trust.


Suite au succès des deux premières promotions, la Délégation interministérielle pour l’accueil et l’intégration des réfugiés (DIAIR) et le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) ont décidé de lancer une troisième promotion de l’Académie pour la participation des personnes réfugiées qui débutera en mars 2024 pour 18 mois d’accompagnement.


A new economic and social integration support measure has been introduced for citizens and some third-country nationals (TCNs) in Italy.


Funding opportunities

Funding is now available for municipal projects supporting the integration of temporary protection holders displaced from Ukraine. Applications can be submitted over two rounds.

The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) makes funding available to civil society organisations and voluntary associations with experience in establishing links between volunteers and refugees. The deadline for applications is mid-February.


Upcoming events

This community fair in Budapest will welcome civil society actors, government decision-makers and others to discuss what Budapest can offer its new arrivals and how they see the relationship between Budapest and migration.


Le CLAE, une plateforme associative défendant une égale citoyenneté pour tous les résidents, organise le Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté, incluant le Salon du Livre, le Village Créations & Initiatives Citoyennes et ArtsManif, en faveur de l’inscription dans la société des personnes porteuses d’un parcours migratoire.


Mit der Verabschiedung des Koalitionsvertrags 2021 in Deutschland wurden zahlreiche migrations- und integrationspolitische Maßnahmen angekündigt. Ziel der vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) und der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) veranstalteten Tagung ist es, die aktuellen rechtlichen und unterrechtlichen Entwicklungen zu einem Gesamtbild zusammenzuführen und eine Bewertung aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht vorzunehmen ob die bereits erfolgten und die noch geplanten Veränderungen eine offene Einwanderungsgesellschaft schaffen können.


In einer aktuellen Studie im Modul „Institutioneller Rassismus“ des Nationalen Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitors (NaDiRa) am Deutschen Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) werden mehrperspektivisch die Mechanismen zu den Ausschlussprozessen beim Zugang zu Kitas und Bildungsbeteiligung beforscht.


Integration practices

The project assists migrants who want to have their academic titles, qualifications or professional skills recognised in Italy. Running across the Piedmont region since 2017, the initiative is unique in its scope in Italy.


This centre in Romania, managed by 4 different NGOs and a municipality, provides non-stop assistance to those displaced from Ukraine.


Documents and publications

This comes as the result of the first phase of the InCaS project. The project helps implement Italy's national plan to combat labour exploitation and 'gangstering' (caporalato), or the employment of a large number of workers, often illegally, for very little money and under dire living conditions.


Cet ouvrage est l’aboutissement de plusieurs années de conception et de collecte de la seconde édition de l’enquête longitudinale sur l’intégration des primo-arrivants : ELIPA 2. Outil unique d’évaluation des processus d’insertion des immigrés en France et des politiques favorisant leur intégration, l’enquête est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le Service Statistique Public, la Direction Générale des Étrangers en France, le monde associatif et la recherche universitaire spécialiste des problématiques migratoires.


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) published its Regional Refugee Response Plan for 2024. The third in its series, the plan is devoted to the needs of temporary protection holders displaced from Ukraine and covers the situation in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The plan currently has  312 partners - check out the publication for details.


This report explores the integration of those displaced from Ukraine in terms of employment, healthcare, education system, social adaptation and integration. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with over 200 respondents who share their desire to integrate in Lithuania and also discuss the main difficulties they face.