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European Website on Integration
28 January 2016

Sweden: Apply for AMIF funds now


The first call for proposals in the Swedish Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) has been published by the Migration Board who administer the Swedish AMIF. Funded projects are co-financed by 75 percent, and there are approximately 100 million SEK (10.500.000 euros) available per year to apply for up until 2020.

Sweden has chosen to prioritise efforts in three main areas:

  • Asylum reception, to improve the asylum process and increase the capacity to deal with asylum flows in the municipalities;
  • Integration and legal migration, for faster and better use of international skills and experience;
  • Return, to develop a sustainable, humane and well-functioning return of persons without residence permits

It is also possible to finance projects to develop, evaluate and investigate the migration and integration processes.

The current call is open between 18 January and 12 February 2016, and the next call is expected to be announced in the autumn 2016.

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Posted by
Henrik Emilsson

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