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30 April 2014

Spain: XI Francesc Candel Awards


The eleventh Francesc Candel Awards are organized by the Fundació Lluís Carulla with the collaboration of the Directorate General of Immigration, Department of Social Welfare and Family of the Government of Catalonia.

Awards will be given to successful projects and experiences of organizations and institutions that promote and encourage the integration in the Catalan society of foreign immigrants and promote good citizenship, coexistence, knowledge of the country (language, traditions, geography and history, cultural values), awareness of the culture of origin, participation of immigrant women and youth, and a positive view of immigration in the media.

Regarding the experiences, the proposal will have to consist of an explanation of the motivation, a description of the nature of the action taken and an assessment of the results.

As for the projects, the proposal will have to explain the proposed objective, a proposal of activities and materials that included a commitment in writing to carry out the project in the case of being granted an award. Once the project has been carried out, it will also be necessary for its leaders to write and send to the Foundation a report briefly explaining the results.


This award will grant prizes worth 3.000 € to the five winning good practices. 


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Francesco Pasetti - CIDOB
Country Coordinator

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