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08 November 2024

Spain: National campaign to combat racism and support victims

Flag of Spain

In an effort to raise awareness and mobilise citizens against racism and ethnic discrimination in Spain, the Ministry of Equality launched the "Don't Look Away" campaign. The initiative is focused on promoting reflection on equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals, while also highlighting resources for reporting and assisting victims of discriminatory acts.

During the campaign launch, Minister of Equality Ana Redondo emphasised the urgent need for public policies that promote equal treatment, showcasing the value of a diverse and inclusive society. Beatriz Carrillo, Director General for Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination, highlighted the importance of breaking free from stereotypes and prejudices that often confine minorities. She pointed out the significant challenges these groups face in accessing housing, employment, and education, and stressed the role of citizen action in combating racism, encouraging people to report discriminatory acts, and defending a diverse, just, and democratic society.

A central aspect of the campaign is the promotion of the Service for Assistance and Guidance to Victims of Racial Discrimination provided by the Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination (CEDRE), particularly the free assistance hotline 021. Established in August 2022, the hotline offers professional support, including specialised legal advice, to victims of racial or ethnic discrimination as well as to witnesses and others aware of such incidents. The hotline operates daily from 9 AM to 9 PM.

Additional support resources highlighted by the campaign include assistance via email, the CEDRE website, and in-person offices. Despite an increase in the hotline's activities over the past year - from 1 500 to 2 500 cases - it is estimated that only 1 in 5 victims of racial or ethnic discrimination reports the incident. This underreporting remains a significant concern, driven by various factors.


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Francesco Pasetti - CIDOB
Country Coordinator

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