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European Website on Integration
19 October 2015

Slovakia: The country temporarily helps Austria with accommodation for the asylum applicants


In July 2015, Slovakia - one of the countries which refused the quota proposal of the EU - agreed to help Austria with infrastructure facilities for asylum applicants in the village of Gab íkovo, where a reception centre is available.

According to the bilateral agreement Slovakia would provide services to 500 asylum applicants from Austria for a period of two years. The first group arrived in mid September 2015. According to the latest information (15 October), 429 asylum applicants from Austria have been received in the asylum centre in Slovakia. All of them are from Syria. Slovakia's help is only applicable during the asylum procedure as most of refugees leave the country after the announcement of the results (granted or refused).

During their temporary stay asylum seekers are allowed to move freely but according to the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, the country has reinforced security by increasing the number of the police forces in the village and improving the camera monitoring system in the area. In spite of the petition against asylum applicants and a far right extremist march, all problems or conflicts had been resolve up to now, states Ministry of Interior.

To welcome refugees and ease their acceptance by the population, volunteers organised a merry-go-round for refugee children in Gab íkovo.


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Posted by
Martina Sekulova
Country Coordinator

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