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05 April 2023

Romania: Funding for NGOs working on social inequalities

Flag of Romania

A new call for proposals from the annual In stare de bine initiative offers grands for projects assisting vulnerable groups and communities. This year, the objective of the call is to reduce social inequalities through culture, sports activities and the promotion of healthy lifestyle. Eligible projects will address the needs of vulnerable groups such as asylum seekers and refugees, homeless people, children at risk of poverty or school dropout, Roma communities, and others.

The call has 3 priority areas:

  • Culture - projects which propose cultural activities, raise awareness on social inequalities, employ cultural heritage for the development of vulnerable communities, and more
  • Sport - projects which offer activities and community events involving vulnerable groups
  • Healthy lifestyle - projects which promote physical and/or mental health, access to health services, education and awareness raising, fostering healthy relationships and healthy habits

The eligible applicants include Romanian NGOs working with the vulnerable groups targeted by the call. The grants will range from RON 50 000 (or about EUR 10 000) to RON 300 000 (or about EUR 60 000) for projects lasting between 5 to 10 months.

The applications should be uploaded on the platform from 19 April (9 a.m. UTC+2) through 21 April 2023 (4 p.m. UTC+2).

In stare de bine is an annual funding program supported by Kaufland Romania in partnership with the Foundation for Civil Society Development. See the call for proposals, as well as the related guidelines and templates.


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Posted by
Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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