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20 June 2023

Romania: Funding available for NGOs working on social inequalities

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A second call for proposals has been issued by a funding programme run by Kaufland Romania in conjunction with the Foundation for Civil Society Development. It will be open from 28 - 30 June, and the total amount of funding being made available is RON 1 755 528 (approximately € 350 000).

The funding will support initiatives that aim to reduce the social inequalities that hinder the participation of vulnerable groups and communities (such as children at risk of poverty, homeless people, asylum seekers and refugees).

The call will prioritise activities that focus on the following:

  • Culture: social integration/participation through cultural activities; awareness raising of social inequalities through cultural products; use of cultural heritage for the development of vulnerable communities, etc.
  • Sport: sport activities and community sport events involving vulnerable groups.
  • Healthy life: projects promoting the physical and/or mental health, including access to health services, education and awareness raising; healthy relationships, and healthy habits.

Eligible initiatives will take an intersectional approach, being aware of the multiple vulnerabilities certain groups can face (such as discrimination on the grounds of both ethnicity and gender, in the case of Roma girls and women). They will also encourage the participation of target populations in their design and implementation.

The call is open to Romanian NGOs experienced in working with vulnerable groups. Available grants range from RON 50 000 (approx. € 10 000) to RON 300 000 (approx. € 60 000), for projects lasting a minimum of 5 months and a maximum of 8 months.

The funding programme for 2023, under which this call is issued, has a budget of over € 1 000 000. The winning initiatives of the the first call can be viewed here; the third and last call is scheduled for September.

Access the application form and guidelines here.

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Posted by
Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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