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European Website on Integration
23 June 2021

Romania: Exhibition highlights essential work of refugee doctors during COVID-19


A new exhibition by photographer Horia Manolache, which shares portraits and stories of refugee doctors living in Romania, was launched for World Refugee Day 2021. 

These refugee doctors, alongside medical staff in hospitals across Romania, have worked hard throughout the pandemic to provide patients with relief from the pain of COVID-19. Their stories reveal experiences of war and loss, and a world more cruel than most people can imagine. Despite the hardships they have endured, these doctors and medical staff have found the strength and kindness to once again cope with human sufferance, and to support others through it, this time as professionals or volunteers.

This exhibition serves as a symbol of gratitude for these incredible individuals' help and hard work, and will be displayed in several key cities across the country.

Further information can be found on the UNHCR's website.


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Posted by
Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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