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01 July 2024

Romania: Call for projects promoting digital skills for the labour market

Flag of Romania

The Management Authority of the Education and Employment Programme in Romania launched a call for proposals promoting the development of digital skills for the labour market, funded by the ESF+. 

Under priority P9 “Consolidating the population participation in lifelong learning process to facilitate career transitions and mobility”, eligible projects will contribute to the development of the digital competence of employees, based on individual assessments. 

The total available budget for this call is EUR 93 198 530, of which EUR 83 823 530 is allocated to the less-developed regions of Romania and the balance to the Ilfov region of Bucharest. Grants of EUR 201 000 - 1 000 000 will be awarded to each winning project.

The call will fund professional training programmes (levels 2 – 4) in the areas of digital competence and ITC, tailored to employees’ needs. Eligible projects will run for a maximum of 36 months and will address the needs of a minimum of 500 beneficiaries. 

Every proposal submitted must include an analysis of the digital competences needed to cover the demands of the employers active in the area/region of project implementation, the vacant positions, the number of potential beneficiaries, and the identified professional training programmes necessary to upgrade the staff competences.

Target groups under this call are persons aged 18 – 64 years old, employed with work contracts, including people who hold management positions in either public or private enterprises (including NGOs and co-operatives with economic activities). 

Eligible applicants are accredited public and private professional training providers which address the needs of a minimum of 500 beneficiaries. 

Proposals - which must submitted online through the MySMIS2021/SMIS2021+ platform - can be submitted by either individual organisations or partnerships.

The deadline for applications is 23 August 2024, 16:00 Romanian time (EET).


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Posted by
Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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