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23 March 2015

Portugal: Strategic Plan for Migrations 2015-2020 approved

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The Portuguese Strategic Plan for Migrations 2015-2020 was approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 12-B/2015 on 20 March and entered into force on March 23, 2015.

The Plan is composed of 106 measures divided in 5 political priority axes.

Axis I – Immigrant Integration Policies: The objectives of this axis are aimed to the consolidation of the work done so far for the integration, training and anti-discrimination of immigrants and ethnic groups in Portuguese society, with a view to better mobilize their talents and skills, to improve the appreciation of cultural and religious diversity, to have greater social mobility, to decentralize integration policies and to better coordinate with employment policy and access to a common citizenship.

Axis II – Policies to promote the integration of new national: The objectives of this axis are aimed at strengthening measures to promote the integration and inclusion of new national, namely the descendants of immigrants and those who had have access to Portuguese nationality, through actions in the fields of education, vocational training, transition to the labor market, civic and political participation, digital inclusion, entrepreneurship and training.

Axis III – Coordinating policies of migration flows: The objectives of this axis are directed to the international promotion of Portugal as a migratory destination, through national and international actions to identify, attract and retain migrants, to contribute to a more appropriate and intelligent management of migratory flows and to strengthen the attraction and movement of qualified human capital.

Axis IV – Policies strengthening the legality and quality of migration services: The objectives of this axis relate with the strengthening of cross intervention capacity in the implementation of migration policies, by reinforcing the network of partnerships with public and private entities, supervision and monitoring of potential migrants, the use of electronic tools, the flexibility of entry procedures and the affirmation of an enhanced quality culture and good practice in the provision of migration services.

Axis V – Policies of incentive, monitoring and supporting the return of emigrants national citizens: The objectives of this axis are aimed to actions and programs, in close coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to promote, monitor and support the return of nationals citizens emigrated abroad or strengthen their ties with Portugal, thereby contributing to the reversal of the emigration movement of Portuguese citizens abroad.

The Plan 


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Sandra Silva
Country Coordinator

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