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29 November 2024

Poland: Support for state institution-led migrant integration initiatives

Flag of Poland

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy in Poland launched the "MOCOWIEC – Comprehensive Support Model for the Integration of Foreigners" project.

The goal of the project is to create a support model for institutions and their staff involved in the integration of foreigners, including through educational and networking activities. 

The project will begin with a series of free training sessions for employees of the Poviat Centres for Family Support and Foreigners' Integration Centres. In order to best promote the exchange of experiences and support, networking will be facilitated between these employees and their counterparts abroad, including through study visits to institutions in other countries. Networking will also be arranged through the National Network for the Integration of Foreigners, promoting the exchange of experiences and support, and a continuously updated knowledge base will be developed to support comprehensive services for foreigners.

The project will run until 31 December 2029 and is co-funded by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF).


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Posted by
Magdalena Lesinska
Country Coordinator

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