The Tutaj Fund is in Poland is offering financial support for innovative projects aiming to new solutions in the area of migrant integration.
Eligible projects should aim to result in the improved resilience and well-being of individuals with migration or refugee backgrounds. Funding of a maximum of USD 1 000 is available per project.
Eligible activities may include:
- stakeholder meetings;
- establishing or maintaining partnerships for migrants;
- study visits;
- research, publications, promotion, and discussion of key migration topics;
- evaluation of ongoing activities;
- development of a strategic process to address systemic barriers faced by migrants;
- enhancement of team competence in supporting beneficiaries with migration or refugee backgrounds.
NGOs which have within their staff at least one person with a migrant or refugee background in a decision-making or managerial position are eligible to apply. Funding proposals can be submitted by projects here. The application deadline is 22 April 2024.
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