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23 November 2020

Poland: Creation of Refugee Council for NIEM in Warsaw


On 20 October 2020 the first meeting was held of the newly established Refugee Council for the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) project, which measures and enhances the integration of beneficiaries of international protection.

The purpose of the appointed Council is to strengthen the influence of people with forced migration experience on discussions around integration policies in Poland. The aim of the initiative is to provide a space for consultations on documents relating to integration, to share experience concerning the situation of beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers and also to enhance dialogue among different stakeholders: representatives of central and local administrations, civic organisations and beneficiaries of international protection themselves

All participants have a long professional and personal experience as activists and community leaders, and are involved in various initiatives for intercultural dialogue and integration in such cities as Warsaw and Gdansk. They also participate in other projects across the country within national and international networks. 

During this first meeting, participants drew attention to the challenges faced by recipients of protection and asylum seekers - due to gaps or insufficient support - in such areas as education, Polish language courses, housing and psychological assistance (especially for those who have experienced detention in Poland). Relatedly, it was highlighted that there remains a lack of specialists experienced in cross-cultural work in educational and medical facilities.

The NIEM project is co-financed by the national Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund in Poland.

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Kseniya Homel

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