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European Website on Integration
11 December 2024

Poland: Call for funding promotes migrant integration

Flag of Poland

The Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA), in cooperation with the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, announced a call for proposals from integration projects targeted at foreigners legally residing in Poland. 

This funding initiative, implemented under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) for 2021-2027, has a total budget of PLN 60 million (approximately 14 million EUR). Its main goal is to support integration through activities such as Polish language courses, citizenship classes, educational initiatives, employment assistance and fostering relationships within local communities. 

The call for funding applications is open until 17 January 2025, with agreements expected to be signed between March and June 2025.

Eligible applicants include non-governmental organisations and international organisations, with a minimum project value of PLN 1 million and a maximum of PLN 6 million. The programme targets migrants legally residing in Poland, including students and workers, aiming to harness their potential to contribute to social development. 

The maximum funding rate is 90% for NGOs and 75% for international organisations. Further details can be found on the MSWiA's European Funds Department website.


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Posted by
Magdalena Lesinska
Country Coordinator

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