A 50 Points Plan towards Integration of those entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection in Austria was adopted in January 2015 by the Council of Ministers. This plan is the official refugee integration strategy of the Austrian government. Further information
Minister for Integration, Sebastian Kurz and Chair of the Expert Council for Integration Dr. Heinz Faßmann presented the 50 Points Plan in November of last year. Its core issues are language acquisition, access to the labour market and communication of values. Further information
The values courses mentioned in the plan are developed by the Austrian Integration Fund and have already started in some federal states. These My Life in Austria courses should give an overview of life in Austria, the country's fundamental values of coexistence and important knowledge for everyday life. Further information
In the capital Vienna, however, the multilingual program for new immigrants Start Wien was extended to refugees last year. It offers information modules in the fields of education, health, housing, social welfare, and living together, in Arabic, English and Farsi.
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