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European Website on Integration
20 October 2010

Lithuania: “Knowledge, Work – Future” project


The Refugee Reception Center, implementing the project “Knowledge, Work – Future” (the perennial programme of the European Refugee Fund in Lithuania of 2008-2013 and the annual programme of the European Refugee Fund in Lithuania of 2008) carries out awareness-raising activities relating to foreigners granted asylum.

In 2010, table calendars, an information board and two video clips were produced. The duration of each video clip is not longer than one minute. The purpose of the video clips is to raise awareness of the problems experienced by refugees and their ability to work in Lithuania and thuse integrate into the labour market.

Refugees living in the Center and participating in the integration programme in different Lithuanian towns participated in the filming of the video clips.

The Refugee Reception Center  distributes these materials during trainings, events, meetings with employers and representatives of various institutions.

For more information read:,5068,gb.html 



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Karolis Zibas

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