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European Website on Integration
18 July 2012

Latvia: call for proposals to implement European integration fund program of 2011



Latvian Ministry of Culture has issued a call for proposals to implement the European fund for the integration of third country nationals program of 2011. The call is issued for the creation and implementation of language and integration courses or programmes to enhance access to services and participation of third country nationals in local community. These activities should also enhance the availability of integration measures to vulnerable groups – women, children, seniors, as well as people with special needs or low education level. 

The fund program of 2011 also plans to support project that enhance administrative capacity of state agencies providing services to third country nationals.  Proposals should be directed to strengthen the capacity to coordinate, implement and monitor integration measures provided to third country nationals by state agencies. They should also increase the intercultural dialogue and diversity management skills of specialists involved in providing services. 

The deadline for application is 31 August, 2012. Activities will have to be concluded until 30 June, 2013. 

In total, approximately 1,2 million LVL or 1,7 million EUR are available for these activities, with 75% of funding coming from the European integration fund, and 25% - from Latvian state budget. 

For more information (in Latvian), see the website of Ministry of Culture



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Dace Akule

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