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European Website on Integration
04 August 2021

Italy: Funding call for projects fighting migrant labour exploitation


Fondazione CON IL SUD launched an open call for proposals for funding from projects that work to prevent and combat the labour exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural, industrial (i.e., construction; the textile industry) and tertiary (i.e., domestic work; transport; logistics) sectors. A total of EUR 2 000 000 is available.

Specifically, the funding call will support initiatives providing protection and assistance to migrant workers and their families (if present in Italy), promoting regular employment and fostering autonomy and social inclusion.

Eligible initiatives will include:

  • primary health care assistance and socio-legal orientation;
  • training courses focused on professional orientation and labour and social rights;
  • housing opportunities;
  • organisation of meetings between migrant and native communities;
  • awareness and orientation activities in relation to regular employment for local companies;
  • involvement of local administrations, companies, trade union and third organisations in promoting and consolidating territorial support networks;
  • advocacy activities able to have an impact on local and national policies related to the labour exploitation of migrants.

The application process comprises two phases. In the first phase, a detailed project proposal must be submitted before 17 September 2021, 13:00. In the second phase, selected project proposals may be redefined on the basis of a dialogue with Fondazione CON IL SUD.

Each chosen project will receive a maximum of EUR 500 000 and must have a planned duration of between 36 and 48 months.

Funding call (IT)
(601.9 KB - PDF)


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Gaia Testore
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