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18 July 2022

Ireland: Suspension of visa-free movement programme for refugees

Flag of Ireland

Ireland has suspended visa-free entry for people with refugee status travelling to Ireland from 20 so-called ‘safe’ European countries. Previously, those with refugee status could travel to and within Ireland for up to three months for non-immigration purposes (such as for leisure or visiting family), but they now require a visa and face a processing waiting time of 8-14 weeks. Current visa-free travel arrangements for Ukrainian nationals to Ireland are unaffected. 

In a statement, the government said that this measure has been implemented to “protect the integrity” of the immigration system, due to a pattern of people applying for asylum in Ireland who have already received refugee status in another European country. The Department of Justice said that between January 2021 and January 2022, 479 such applications were made. This represents 7% of the 6 494 applications for international protection in that period. 

In addition, it was announced that deportations of migrants - which were suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic - are to resume in the coming weeks. Both decisions were motivated by the current shortage of accommodation for refugees due to the arrival of an increasing number of refugees from Ukraine, and the inefficiency of the Direct Provision system which supports applicants for international protection.  

Civil society and migrant rights activists have expressed disappointment with both developments, voicing concern that they worsen the risk of the development of a two-tier refugee policy system.


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Teresa Buczkowska
Country Coordinator

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