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05 October 2017

Greece: Young Refugee Entrepreneurs to become Start-uppers


A new programme resulting from the collaboration between the Citi Foundation and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) will train young refugees as well as young people living in communities which are hosting refugees to become entrepreneurs. Their activities should allow them to generate a satisfactory income for themselves, but also to contribute in the local economy.

The Citi Foundation has been working since 2004 with several organisations to promote economic education and youth entrepreneurship. In 2017, it continued to co-finance the training program Junior Achievement Virtual Enterprise and has undertaken the exclusive financing of the PRAKSIS Business Coaching Center. As part of the global Pathways to Progress initiative, it is now launching the Rescuing Futures program. $ 2,000,000 are earmarked for the two-year programme which will support 1,000 young people to start their own businesses in three cities: Athens, Amman and Yola.

The Citi Foundation - which has been supporting the International Rescue Committee (IRC) for years, with an emphasis on funding research and development and emergency programs, offers professional training and financial support for start-ups to young refugees aged 16-24 years old and vulnerable groups of young people in Greece, Jordan and Nigeria.

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Marina Nikolova

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