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European Website on Integration
10 September 2016

Greece: EU increases funding for refugee reception


The European Commission announced 115 million euros in extra funding last Saturday to help Greece deal with migrants. The additional financial support aims 'to improve conditions for refugees in Greece, and make a difference ahead of the upcoming winter,' says EU aid and crisis management commissioner Christos Stylianides. Focus will be put on improving existing shelters and building new ones, but also on improving access to education and providing support for unaccompanied minors.

The EU announcement came after Human Rights Watch published a report on Friday slamming the 'prolonged arbitrary detention' of asylum seeking unaccompanied minors in Greece. 'In some cases, children said they were made to live and sleep in overcrowded, bug- and vermin-infested cells, sometimes without mattresses,' the HRW report states.

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Marina Nikolova

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