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European Website on Integration
03 January 2018

Greece: Defence ministry to renovate buildings to house unaccompanied minors


Several unused buildings throughout Greece are to be transformed into reception centers for unaccompanied minors who have applied for asylum in the country. All the properties belong to the general secretariat for social solidarity of the Labour Ministry, which will retain ownership of the buildings under the plan.

The building renovations are to be undertaken by the Ministry of National Defence in accordance with a joint ministerial decision signed on 18 December 2017. The plan calls for renovation of 10 buildings or parts of buildings, which are located mostly in central Greece, including several buildings in and around Athens and another group of buildings in the municipality of Volos. There is also one renovation project planned in Lesvos.

There are currently some 3,300 unaccompanied minors in Greece. Out of that group, only 1,104 are living in venues deemed appropriate for minors. The remainder live in the overcrowded migrant reception centers and police precincts of the eastern Aegean islands—conditions considered dangerous by human rights groups. A total of 74 unaccompanied minors were said to be in held police precincts during December 2017.

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Marina Nikolova

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