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12 October 2011

Greece: Call for research project proposals 2011


(1) Migration
(2) The social consequences of the current economic crisis

The LSE's Hellenic Observatory invites researchers with a recognised interest in contemporary Greece to submit an application for funding in order to carry out a project on one of the themes highlighted above. This call has been made possible by funding generously provided by the National Bank of Greece, to which we wish to record our gratitude. This initiative is consistent with the Observatory's mission to promote public policy research and to foster academic collaboration and networks and follows on from a previous successful call made in 2009.

The Call is open to all researchers with a university affiliation, who hold a doctorate (PhD degree) and have at least two years of post-doctoral research experience. Applications from groups of researchers are also eligible, but in this case all member of the research team should meet the eligibility criteria. Applications from researchers who have had an affiliation with the Hellenic Observatory at any time over the past two years as well as from researchers with a current LSE affiliation are not eligible.

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Posted by
Anna Triandafyllidou

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