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13 January 2021

Funding opportunity: Sofia – City of the Young and Active


The Municipality of Sofia has opened a new call for proposals, seeking to finance activities for young people (aged 15-29 years old).

The main goal of the funding programme - entitled Sofia - City of the Young and Active - is to preserve, develop and invest in youth as the social capital of the municipality. The programme provides the opportunity to build and strengthen the capacity of young people and youth organisations, through the acquisition of new skills and greater opportunity to practice their project work.

Sofia - City of the Young and Active will support the development of solutions to specific problems defined by young people, as well as the implementation of ideas and events initiated by the educational institutions, district administrations and small settlements, forms of student self-government and non-governmental organisations registered in the Sofia Municipality.

 The programme's priorities include some related to migrant integration, such as:

  • Volunteering, cooperation and intercultural dialogue;
  • Integration of people with disabilities, minority and marginalised groups, and disadvantaged people.

The funding call states that activities must be planned to take place in Sofia between April and November 2021 to be eligible. The overall budget of the programme is approximately 75 000 EUR (150 000 leva), with the maximum request limit for individual projects set at 3 500 EUR (7 000 leva).

Application deadline: 4 March 2021. Find further relevant information here


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Bistra Ivanova
Country Coordinator

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