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European Website on Integration
02 January 2023

Finland: Red Cross pilot project in community–sponsored refugee integration

Flag of Finland

The Finnish Red Cross launched an EU-funded, community-sponsored refugee integration pilot project in conjunction with project partners the Humak University of Applied Sciences, the Church Council, and four Red Cross district offices. The project  is set to continue until the end of 2025.

As part of the project, people who arrived in Finland as 'quota refugees' are invited to participate in training activities run by community sponsors. Community sponsor groups will be established in approximately 15 municipalities, and project partners will recruit and train the sponsors.

In the early phases of integration, the development of social relationships and networks is crucial. This training will help participants to find useful information on life in Finland and to identify and improve the skills they need for integration.

The project has three main objectives:

  1. Immigrants newly arrived in Finland are aware of opportunities for participation and made to feel welcome in doing so. Their contact with local residents increases, and feelings of belonging and inclusion are established.
  2. Community sponsors recognise and understand their tasks and have clear roles, developing activities in ways that suit their municipality. In addition, municipalities will receive adequate support and training from project staff and relevant authorities.
  3. During the project, a guide on community sponsorsed activities will be created based on feedback and development proposals from project participants, partners and stakeholders.


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Posted by
Marja Tiilikainen
Country Coordinator

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