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European Website on Integration
26 July 2018

Europe: €16.2 million AMIF call for proposals to support integration of third-country nationals


The European Commission has opened for proposals a total of €16.2 million to support the integration of third-country nationals. The available funding comes from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), which supports actions promoting the efficient management of migration flows and the implementation, strengthening and development of a common EU approach to asylum and immigration.

For this funding opportunity, the Commission sets out five priority areas related to the integration of third-country nationals:

1) Local and regional integration networks

Considering the crucial role of local and regional authorities in the integration of third-country nationals, the Commission aims to promote the exchange of knowledge, practices and experiences among local and regional authorities across Member States. Proposals under this priority should focus on the development and/or creation of networks among local and regional authorities working on integration of third-country nationals. In particular, the networks should include both local/regional authorities that have little or no experience with integration and authorities that do have experience with the development of integration policies and measures. Activities funded under this priority include, for example, trainings and workshops to share knowledge on integration, creation of platforms to transfer knowledge and best practices and local awareness-raising activities to facilitate integration.

2) Legal migration projects with third countries

Proposals under this priority should promote specific labour and training-related migration pathways with third countries. Furthermore, in order to promote a better match between the skills and demands in the EU labour market, the proposed activities should involve economic and social partners, such as employers, chambers of commerce, educational institutions, trade unions, civil society, etc. Activities funded under this priority could include, for example, analyses regarding how to establish/facilitate mobility between EU Member States and third countries, support for third-country national workers during the pre-departure phase and upon arrival (e.g. language training, workplace mentoring, cultural mediation, etc.), and support during the re-integration phase.

3) Support to victims of trafficking in human beings

Activities funded under this priority should promote the integration of third-country national victims of trafficking in their host countries. Proposed actions should address the specific challenges and needs of trafficking victims and take into account the gender-specific nature of trafficking. Funded activities could include efforts geared towards the early identification of victims, assistance and support to victims (especially taking into account gender, age and forms of exploitation), safe and sustainable voluntary return and reintegration, durable solutions for child victims, measures to prevent re-trafficking, transnational cooperation in supporting victims, education and training, etc.

4) Care for migrant minors, including unaccompanied minors

This priority will fund care services to support unaccompanied refugee and migrant minors in Europe. More specifically, these projects should focus on training, logistical support and exchange of good practices to expand, implement and/or improve alternative care systems for unaccompanied minors, such as foster care, family-based care and accommodation in independent housing (as opposed to accommodation in detention). Projects with a focus exclusively at the national/regional/local levels should seek AMIF funding through the National Programmes instead. In addition, certain projects are not eligible for funding under this call, including institutionalised care systems, operating costs for alternative care systems (cost of staff, buildings, etc.) and research on alternative care systems. Furthermore, the application must involve at least one public authority in the country where the alternative care programme is being implemented.

5) Engagement of diaspora communities on awareness raising

Because migrants often rely on migration-related information obtained from members of the diaspora community living in EU Member States, and due to the unreliability of these information sources, irregular migrants often encounter significant difficulties and risks during transit. This priority therefore seeks to engage with diaspora communities in the EU to raise awareness of the risks of smuggling and irregular migration, as well as the possibilities for voluntary return and re-integration. Activities funded under this priority could include research on engaging and communicating with diaspora communities, awareness-raising activities and project monitoring and evaluation. Eligible applications will focus on diaspora communities from one of the following countries: Senegal, Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria. Each application should target a single diaspora community, and the involvement of diaspora organisations is a key element of this priority.

The deadline for this call is 31 January 2019.

Further details on application requirements, as well as the online application submission service, are available at the Commission's Participant Portal.



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EU Wide
Posted by
Monica Li
Content manager

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