The Czech Statistical Office has released the preliminary results of the country's 2021 Census. According to the published data, as of May 2021 migrants comprised 4.7% of the population of the Czech Republic.
Other key statistics:
- Among foreigners, people with Ukrainian (1.4%), Slovak (0.9%) and Vietnamese (0.5%) citizenship were most frequently represented in the population.
- People with foreign citizenship from EU countries accounted for 1.5% of the population, while those with citizenship from non-EU countries accounted for 3.2%.
- The highest share of the population with foreign citizenship was found in the country's capital city, Prague, where foreigners comprise 13.9% of the population. The lowest shares were found in the Olomouc and Zlín regions (1.7% in both).
- Prague was also found to host the highest proportion of foreigners with Slovak (1.9%), Ukrainian (4.2%) and Russian (1.8%) citizenship.
The Czech Statistical Office will continue to publish more data and insights in the upcoming weeks.
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