The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic announced a grant call for temporary activities to support refugee families with children from Ukraine. The call is a part of a broader partnership between the ministry and UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, which has also donated to the grant. The goal is to improve services for families with children, especially those aged 0 to 6 years.
Supported activities include assistance with the adaptation of families and children after their arrival, providing better orientation, strengthening parental competences, improving relations within the family and the community, improving childcare, helping with work-family balance, preventing and solving risk situations in the family, providing care for disadvantaged children in children's groups, and teaching basic Czech language.
The grant amounts to CZK 18.7 million, or EUR 780 000. Eligible applicants include NGOs, municipalities and their contributory organisations, regions and their contributory organisations, and social service providers.
The application deadline is 6 February 2023.
See detailed information in Czech. An information meeting on the call will take place on Wednesday, 18 January, at 10:00 - 12:00 CET. The meeting will be held online via MS Teams, with meeting ID 332 370 574 448 and access code 7sqKCV.
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