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European Website on Integration
20 April 2022

Czech Republic: Funding for housing repairs for temporary protection holders


The Ministry of Regional Development in the Czech Republic announced a call for applications for subsidies from the Ukraine - Expanding Public Accommodation programme. These subsidies will help municipalities and regions to accommodate people arriving in the Czech Republic after fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The aim of the call is to support repairs or minor reconstruction of municipal and regional buildings that are not currently habitable but could be used to provide medium-term accommodation for refugees. The ministry envisages that after these residents leave, the repaired flats will remain in the possession of the regions and municipalities, to be reallocated local citizens. A minimum standard will be set to ensure that the accommodation is always kept to a good, habitable level.

Subsidies can be used to reimburse eligible expenses incurred between 24 February - 30 November 2022. They cannot be used to finance the purchase of mobile or pre-fab houses to accommodate refugees, nor can they be used to repair or reconstruct buildings that are not owned by municipalities or regions.

Eligible applicants include:

Municipalities and municipal organisations, regions and regional organisations, the capital city of Prague, municipal districts and municipal district organisations of the capital city of Prague.

Available funding:

Applicants can receive up to CZK 120 000 per person for an apartment, and up to CZK 40 000 for a place in a municipal or regional hostel. A maximum of 20% of a subsidy can be used to furnish apartments. An eligible applicant may submit as many applications as he/she wishes. 

The total allocation for this call is CZK 900 000 000 (approximately EUR 36 000 000).

The deadline for application submission is 31 May 2022. Further information can be found here.


Publication dates
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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