The Česká spořitelna Foundation, the foundation arm of one of the largest Czech banks, announced a funding call for projects that promote the successful integration of children newly arrived from Ukraine into Czech kindergartens and schools and provide support for teachers.
Eligible projects, which must run for one year, will pursue the following objectives:
- To strengthen the professional capacity of Czech schools to successfully integrate Ukrainian children
- To support the involvement of Ukrainian and Czech children in joint activities (such as events organised by the school and leisure activities outside school)
- To develop the potential for systemic changes in the field of equal opportunities in education, in relation to the arrival of Ukrainian children in the Czech Republic
- To develop the potential for innovation in education to increase preparedness to deal with future crises and challenges
The total amount of funding allocated under the call is CZK 40 million (EUR 1.6 million), and the minimum project cost is CZK 3 million (EUR 120 000).
The deadline for submission of funding applications (comprising a short project outline) is 31 August 2022.
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- Czech Republic
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Tschechische Republik
Ukraine response
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