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08 April 2024

Cyprus: New action plan for migrant integration

Flag of Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus presented its new state action plan to support the integration of third-country nationals (TCNs) into the labour market and economy. 

The 50-point action plan covers 5 main pillars of integration:

  • housing
  • employment
  • skills
  • health
  • education

Actions under each pillar form the links of a chain, each complementing and covering the other to achieve the desired result. Most importantly, they will contribute towards the proper preparation and provision of support to migrants for the facilitation of their integration into the social, economic and cultural life of Cyprus. Minister of Interior, Constantinos Ioannou, said during presentation of the plan that this is “an essential factor in fostering a culture of acceptance by the native population, which is an equally important objective of the government”. 

The minister further added: “Social inclusion and integration issues constitute a particularly sensitive and humanitarian aspect of migration, which both the European Union and the Republic of Cyprus take seriously into account when designing policies”.


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Savvas Charalambous
Country Coordinator

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