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06 August 2020

Call for applications: online democracy summit for migrant and refugee leaders

Applications are now open for the Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue's (TMDD) digital Helsinki 2020 Democracy Summit: Alliance Building, designed for accomplished migrant and refugee leaders living in Europe.

The Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue (TMDD) is a network of diverse migrant and refugee leaders and community organisers from Europe and the United States working together since 2016.

TMDD's Democracy Summits aim to connect migrant organisers and leaders across the Atlantic to share good practices and learn from each other. This year's overarching theme is alliance building. The Summit will kick off online with workshop sessions to be held between 15 -18 September and the closing will take place in November. The online discussions, working groups and keynote speeches will take place in the late afternoon Central European Time (CET). The sessions will last a maximum of three hours per day.

Why to apply?

  • You will become part of the TMDD network: a transatlantic network of migrant and refugee leaders in Europe and the US.
  • You will connect with migrant organisers and leaders across the Atlantic to share good practices and learn from each other.
  • You will benefit from one-on-one discussions with experienced community organisers and workshops on strategic communications, political participation and community organising.

The deadline to complete applications is 23 August 2020.

The application can be found on this Google Doc.

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Recently, the European Commission also asked experts of migrant background to have their say in the future EU integration policies - see more here.


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Geographic area
EU Wide
Posted by
Hind Sharif
Content manager

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