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European Website on Integration
24 January 2018

Toolkit on the use of EU funds for the integration of people with a migrant background


This toolkit aims to assist national and regional funding authorities in implementing integration policies targeting people with a migrant background through the use of EU funds in the 2014-2020 programming period. It builds on the EU’s legal and policy frameworks, including EU anti-discrimination law, the thematic guidance for the EU Structural and Investment Funds and other policy guidance frameworks and lessons learnt in the last few years.

The toolkit identifies areas where people with a migrant background are considered to face the most pressing and acute challenges. They are addressed through scenarios on employment, education, housing, reception and access to basic mainstream services.

Eu funds Toolkit
(1008.28 KB - PDF)


European Commission
Geographic area
EU Wide
Contributor type
European Institutions/organisations
Original source
Posted by
Thomas Huddleston

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