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03 December 2020

Out of the maze: Easing the path to vocational education and training for young newcomers in Europe

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR)'s Research Unit has published a study on access to education and training for young migrants. The study analyses four selected EU member states - Austria, Germany, Slovenia and Spain - and provides suggestions for how access might be improved. 

Since 2014, more than five million teens and young people have fled or migrated to the European Union (EU), or moved across borders within the EU. Vocational education and training (VET) can play a facilitative role in these newcomers’ integration.

The study finds that the path to VET often resembles a maze. Many types of residence status do not permit employment, for example, meaning that individuals must often navigate long, difficult processes to achieve their training and educational goals. Financial constraints resulting from a lack of employment, as well as a lack of understanding of training systems, place additional burdens on young migrants.

Staff in advisory centres, educational establishments, public authorities and other facilities at municipal level play a crucial role, according to the study's analysis. They have a degree of discretion when it comes to shaping and granting access to VET and can offer newcomers targeted support in the handling of its processes.

The study makes the following recommendations:

  • Both preparatory measures and the vocational training itself should focus more on the specific needs of migrants;
  • The preparation and training offered should be more flexible;
  • Close, continuous guidance must be provided to migrants from the beginning;
  • Local staff should receive support and assistance from multi-professional educational networks, and be sustainably financed.

The full study can be found here. The relevant press release is available here.

As part of the same research project, a policy brief was published in January 2020 which focuses on the German case study. This can be accessed here.

Out of the maze (PDF)
(1.27 MB - PDF)


SVR Research Unit
Geographic area
EU Wide
Original source
Posted by
Olivia Long
Content manager

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