This National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) national report, "Integration of holders of international protection in the Czech Republic", assesses the Czech integration system in its entirety.
The report defines key terms such as 'asylum' and 'subsidiary protection', provides a historical outline of the reception of refugees in the Czech Republic, lists key strategic documents and analyses the legislative setting and actual course of integration in areas considered by the state to be crucial: employment, health, social security, education including language, and housing.
The report is analytical in character, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the refugee integration system in the Czech republic. It concludes that although a number of shortcomings can be found in the integration process, most are essentially of a society-wide nature (such as expensive housing, shortage of specialist doctors, etc.). These shortcomings then affect international protection holders to a greater extent, due to the language barrier or other compounding factors specific to their social group.
- Authors
- Jakub Andrle, Madla Čechová, Ondřej Novotný (People in Need)
- Contributor type
- National governmental actor
- Original source
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