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European Website on Integration
13 March 2023

Ireland: Toolkit on migrants, gender-based violence and human trafficking

Logo of the Immigrant Council of Ireland that includes both words and ICI acronym


This toolkit is a basic guide for service providers working with non-EEA migrants in Ireland who are affected by issues of gender-based violence and human trafficking. It explains the definitions of these phenomena, how they can specifically affect migrants, and why migrants can be more vulnerable to their effects.

The toolkit also briefly sets out the current administrative schemes applied by the Minister for Justice in Ireland to non-EEA migrants affected by domestic violence and human trafficking, and shares information on support services that are available in the West of Ireland. Additionally, it can be used by other individuals working with migrants to ensure they understand the importance of a person accessing appropriate advice about their residence permission.

Migrants, Gender Based Violence and Human Trafficking: A toolkit for service providers working with Non-EEA migrants in Ireland
(1.29 MB - PDF)


Mary Henderson, Jennifer Floyd
Geographic area
Contributor type
Non-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
Original source
Posted by
Abby Ryan
Country Coordinator

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