The International Organization for Migration (IOM) shared the findings of surveys conducted monthly among the beneficiaries of HELIOS, its integration programme in Greece.
The HELIOS programme is funded by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Its objectives are to a) increase beneficiaries’ self-reliance and support them in becoming active members of the Greek society, and b) establish an integration mechanism for beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, including through a rotation mechanism for the temporary accommodation system.
The survey findings - both qualitative and quantitative - present the responses of individuals involved in the education and accommodation elements of the integration programme over the last year.
Findings in education
HELIOS runs integration courses at integration learning centres (ILCs) across Greece. Each course cycle runs for 6 months and offers support with Greek language learning, cultural orientation, job readiness and life skills.
245 individuals completed the survey on the education component of the programme. The majority - 45% - were aged between 25 and 34, and 76% started the programme with an A1-level command of the Greek language.
Key findings include:
- On average, 68% of those regularly attending integration courses said that thanks to the programme they have acquired language skills and a better understanding of Greek society, which both facilitate their interaction with the host community;
- A majority of respondents agreed or 'somewhat' agreed that they are more confident now with managing communication with locals - for example when shopping, asking for directions or ordering food - by themselves;
- A majority of respondents agreed or 'somewhat' agreed that it is now easier for them to read text written in Greek, such as signs, labels, bills, websites and social media posts.
Findings in accommodation
HELIOS supports people towards independent accommodation in apartments rented in their own name, including through provision of contributions to rental and move-in costs and networking with apartment owners.
346 individuals completed the survey on the accommodation component of the programme. Overall, 48% of respondents with a lease in their name said that they feel empowered and better equipped to achieve self-reliance as a result of participation in the programme, and 41% said they intend to continue leasing their apartment after project support ends.
The full results of these surveys and a HELIOS programme factsheet are attached below, and further information can be found online here. The following video also provides a brief overview of the initiative:
- Authors
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Geographic area
- Greece
- Contributor type
- Non-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
- Original source
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