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European Website on Integration
01 October 2021

How transnational migrants integrate: The case of Moldovans living in Czechia and Italy


This article examines whether the social, cultural, and economic dimensions of integration have the effect of intensifying or weakening transnational ties to a migrant’s country of origin.

The article analyses unique data gathered by surveying 409 Moldovan migrants who have been living in Italy or Czechia for longer than a year. The analysis reveals that greater socio-cultural integration is accompanied by weaker transnational practices, where key roles are played by a person's length of stay and their age upon arrival. This is found to apply to Moldovans in both countries, although a slightly more positive relationship is observed between Italian Moldovans’ economic integration and transnationalism, suggesting that economic resources facilitate the maintenance and development of cross-border networks. 

The full article, published in the Czech Sociological Review, can be read online here.

How Transnational Migrants Integrate: The Case of Moldovans Living in Czechia and Italy
(718.3 KB - PDF)


Eva Janska, Jiří Hasman, Zdeněk Čermák
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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