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European Website on Integration
01 June 2018

This is how the best municipalities get refugee women in employment

This is how the best municipalities get refugee women in employment

The Danish integration authorities have released a report on how to get refugee women in employment. The report is based on qualitative interviews with managers and caseworkers in 9 municipalities where a high proportion of refugee women are in employment or participating in the 2-year integration programme (IGU).

The report finds that an early start and ample motivation is crucial when municipalities seek to help women refugees gain employment. It is also important that the caseworker meets the refugee woman with expectations and faith in her ability to succeed. Furthermore, involving the woman’s spouse and finding out what motivates the individual woman is key to successful labour market entry.

The IGU was initiated in April 2016 during the tripartite negotiations between the parties of the Danish labour market. The IGU aims for a high degree of labour market integration among refugees and their family members between ages 18-40. The programme introduced apprenticeships combined with 20 weeks of courses. Read more on the debates concerning the IGU

This is how the best municipalities get refugee women in employment
(1.34 MB - PDF)


Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration
Geographic area
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Katrine Syppli Kohl

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