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European Website on Integration
18 January 2016

Further Steps in the Realisation of the Updated Concept of the Integration of Foreigners in 2016


In this document, the Czech government outlines its plan for the implementation of integration policies in 2016. The document analyses the population structure of third country nationals with regards to integration needs. It also analyses problems in the integration of immigrants.

On the basis of these analyses, the government defines the following as being major areas in which integration policies should be applied:

  • Knowledge of the Czech language; promoted through language education for both adults and children.
  • Economic and social self-sufficiency; promoted through various programmes supporting street work, social and job advisory services, re-qualification courses, monitoring of the situation of immigrants in particular localities, etc.
  • Orientation of immigrants in society and awareness-raising; promoted through the provision of pre-departure information for newcomers, integration and adaptation courses, as well as socio-cultural courses.
  • Better relations between immigrants and the host society; promoted through well-balanced treatment of relevant topics in the media, support of immigrants' activities and cultural events, using intercultural assistants for communication between immigrants and authorities, etc.
  • Gradual strengthening of legal rights based on the length of immigrants' stay; promoted through support of immigrants' participation in public life and improvement of their access to health care and citizenship.
  • Integration at the local and regional levels; promoted through support of regional integration centres and funding opportunities for municipalities.
  • Informing the majority population and immigrants on rights, obligations and services; improvement of mutual communication and strengthening professional competencies of relevant civil servants.
Further Steps in the Realisation of the Updated Concept of the Integration of Foreigners in 2016
(1.16 MB - PDF)


Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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