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21 March 2016

European Islamophobia Report

As of now, the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research will publish a European Islamophobia Report (EIR) at the beginning of February of each year (before the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March), and disseminate it among leading stakeholders, politicians, NGO’s, and anti-racist organisations. The aim of this yearly publication is to document and analyse trends in the spread of Islamophobia in various European states.

This first edition comprises 25 national reports which examine employment, education, politics, media (including internet) and justice. The report shows that Islamophobia can be present without Muslims, as it sometimes plays a important role in the politics of many European countries with a very small Muslim population. This phenomenon was especially strengthened by the so called ‘refugee crisis’ and the Paris attacks. A number of recommendations are made by the authors at the end of the document to overcome Islamophobia and strive towards more just and democratic societies.

Beside West European countries, the EIR is the first report to cover a wide range of Eastern European countries like Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Latvia. It is also translated in Turkish.

More on the report

European Islamophobia Report 2015


Enes Bayrakli, Farid Hafez (Eds)
Geographic area
EU Wide
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Original source
Posted by
Norbert Bichl
Country Coordinator

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